Thursday, September 18, 2014

How do vegetarians get adequate nutrients?
Today, the fasting is no longer limited to the religious community that has spread to other classes in society

Today, the fasting is no longer limited to the religious community that has spread to other classes in society such as the elderly and the young, expert and. ..
There are many reasons for fasting , such as:
-Because of religious beliefs.
-For the health: Many scientific studies have demonstrated that the nutrients in vegetarian delicacies help prevent the disease of the age such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, obesity, osteoporosis, blood fat and. ..
-To protect the environment and ecological balance: when the fasting will encourage people to increase agriculture activity reduction emissions from the operation of the livestock industry. To reduce the risk of rare animals hunting for meat.
-For Economics: vegetarian food mostly vegetables and is often cheaper than meat (to Vietnam).
nhung mon an chay
The fact that fasting or eating salty to enough nutrients are required more in-depth knowledge and insights. However, to get the vegetarian delicious and full of substance will a lot harder because I've replaced some of the essential nutrients found in meats, fish by the substances present in plants. Also if vegetarian diet will lead to an increased risk to other patients about nutrition.
* A number of solutions to help vegetarian nutritional balance:
-You can manually equipped with knowledge about nutrition or consultation from m t your doctor or dietitian to combine raw materials processed vegetarian dishes properly.
-Buy additional drugs vitamins, minerals, protein and unsaturated fatty acid essential to drink every day. This way but could be feasible but also quite expensive and should consult a physician's careful, because despite being a tonic but if used incorrectly can also cause food poisoning and adverse effects.
-Use the meat substitute products, these products are made from soybeans, seaweed or flour and added nutrients to enhance biodiversity almost meat, fish (e.g., vegetarian Fish, vegetarian meat, vegetarian, vegetarian chicken thigh toner, phở chay...).However, we need to see this product label carefully to be sure composition and origin. Another factor is money which is usually higher than those for meat, fish. On the other hand, they are processed foods can have preservatives added.
-Is there another way simpler and more secure, as the addition of herbs Biland (Seeds)into daily diets. This is a completely natural nuts should be very safe to use. It is derived from the nutritional content of Mexican condensate, will do the daily Vegetarian more balanced and nutritious.How to cook vegetarian with seeds is very simple because of the odor odorless colorless seeds, it will not affect the taste of food.
thuc don an chay–Hat Salba
Why herbal Biland (Seeds) can supplement adequate nutrients for Veggie servings?
Because just added every day from 10-12 grams of seeds a day, we can solve the most common defect in a vegetarian foodas:
-Unsaturated fatty acids omega 3, 6, 9: this is the Group of fatty acids are not essential, as no body can not synthesize that are received from outside. Especially the omega 3 Group has the highest biological value, but the supply of this material is from marine fish and certain nuts are popular in Vietnam. However interviewees is herbal Biland (Seeds) are very high in omega 3 content, constitute more than 20% (more than the salmon). If using omega 3 regularly will help discerning intelligence, increase market power, thought optimistic, decrease the chance of infection, it helps the body fight are cardiovascular diseases.
-Protein: our bodies need protein to keep the skin, bones, muscles and organs are healthy. Plant protein sources were preferred mainly soy protein, but kind of protein is usually missing two essential amino acids lysine and methionine are often valued not by flesh and hard to absorb. The protein content of seeds is very high (22%) and the amino acids in protein of Divided proportionately more balanced than the amino acids in protein of soybeans, so this helps the vegan protein absorption Salba better than soy protein.
-Calcium and Magnesium: needed for teeth and bones, there are plenty of milk and dark green leafy vegetables such as turnips, mustard greens ... but these foods often have unbalanced ratio plus a reasonable not being absorbed into the body is limited. In the herbal Biland (Seeds) Calcium and Magnesium ratio is 2: 1, this is the ideal rate for the absorption of the two minerals.
-Iron: iron is needed for red blood, anti-anemic. This mineral type in the Veggie servings but biodiversity is not as high as in the form of compounds difficult to absorb. Private herbal Biland (Seeds) in addition to factors that have very high iron content has more vitamin C helps iron absorption support into the body more easily.

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